… living a simple, peaceful life; growing most of your own food in a sustainable manner; providing all of your energy to heat your house, and power your car and home; making much of what you use in your daily life; sharing what you have with friends, neighbors and all living creatures. You’re invited to join us and experience our dream of a simple, alternative, spiritual life. We provide: activities and opportunities for shared learning, hospitality, renewal, community building, hiking trails, a labyrinth in the woods, simple accommodations for overnight visits/retreats, skill building and fun!
What's Coming Up
Programs & classes related to sustainability, simplicity, gardening, spirituality, alternative building, foraging, etc.
* Transformation Game - Fri & Sat, Jan 17 & 18 10am-4pm
* Potluck & Ponderings - Fri, Feb. 7, 5:30-7:30pm
* Broom Making 101 - Sat., Feb. 8, 1-5pm (FEE)
* BACK TO BASICS EVENT - Sat. Feb. 15, 8am-5pm. BMP will be in the vending space and Doug is teaching Chicken Coop Construction Alternative Style - passive solar, earthship style!
Reciprocity: give according to what you receive. YOU determine the value. Donations info on the "DONATE" page under "MORE".
Labyrinth walk, hiking trails & StoryWalk
3 trails on 20 acres, less than a mile each and can be snow-shoed in winter; easy access to Foothills State Forest trails. Come walk, or snowshoe once it snows.
Annual Events
Earth Day Labyrinth Ritual & Walk (Apr 21)
Monthly Pizza Nights (June - August) SIGN UP
Harvest Festival (September)
International Day of Peace Labyrinth Walk (Sept 21)
National Solar Tour (Oct 5, Saturday 10am-2pm)
Winter Solstice Gathering & Ritual (Dec 21)
Retreats/ Hosting your Meeting or Group
sustainability tours, individual renewal, small group meetings w/ lunch/snack, rustic overnight experience
OPENINGS! Join us in caretaking & leadership while living a simple, sustainable life in community, short term or long term. Come for a week/month/year or longer. Consider an internship with us.