I absolutely LOVE these muffins! They're so filled with goodness it warms my heart and fills my tummy! And they're most certainly good for you! You can substitute different nuts or dried cranberries for the raisins or even apple sauce for the apple, and typically I use a little less sugar. You could also use combined flours such as whole wheat and all purpose, or oat flour and all purpose, for example.
This recipe comes from "Fed by the Dream" cookbook (2006) of Dwelling in the Woods. I had the privilege years ago of staying a few times at Dwelling in the Woods in McGrath, MN East of Mille Lacs Lake (no longer exists as such). It was a retreat center with these little cabin/ hermitages in the woods and the place was run by a few nuns. Upon arrival to your hermitage there was a mini loaf of bread and butter for you, light breakfast options and main meals were offered in the main "home" which were communal and oh, so good! It was the perfect place for nestling in, renewal, nurturing, quiet and simplicity. It always nurtured my body, mind and soul.

The cookbook includes reflective quotes throughout the book along with bits of their story. Here's one for your reflection:
"For each of us, food is the source of sustenance, the basis of life; and when we offer this gift to one another, we are not only nourishing each other's bodies, we are feeding one another's spirits. So, receive - and give - the food of your life as the powerful gift it is." - Daphne Rose Kingma
Celebrate the goodness! ENJOY!
